ROC CO. relies on a diverse array of tools to communicate with clients and manage business operations. Data is dispersed across multiple platforms, demanding substantial time and effort for management and synchronization. This threatens effective communication with clients and the maintenance of professionalism.



User Interviews



Our users fall into two groups — planners and clients. We categorized them into four groups: planners for local events vs. local and global events and high-end vs. middle-budget clients. We interviewed over thirty users and produced five personas.

Competitive Analysis



We did an analysis of six event management softwares, Planning Pod, Aisle Planner, Cvent, Webex Events, Whova Event, Dubsado, based on eleven criteria and came up with a list of key features for our product.

Analysis Criteria

Key Features

We started from ROC CO's frustration with low-efficiency business management and the risk of failing to maintain high-quality service. Through user interviews, We empathized with the tedious and complex business operations that planners deal with and their client's trust and high expectations for them when celebrating love. Through comparative analysis, We identified key features inspired by our competitors and assessed the plausibility of making a new software. Based on the available resources, We kept the existing platform - - incorporated a dashboard for the planner and their clients, accessible on mobile and desktop versions, and integrated "ChatBot" in all the current tools.


RO Creative Company (ROC CO. )


9 Weeks - Oct 2023 to Dec 2023

My Role

Lead analyst, UX strategist on a team of 5

Planner Section

Client Section


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